I’m 30-something years old and I still have sleepovers with my girlfriends. Is that abnormal? I’m not even talking about weekends away. I’m talking about actual sleepovers – bring your pillow and PJ’s, lots of wine, rag mags (gossip magazines) and in this particular case, one of my friends brought hair dye with her so we could do her roots for her. (It was supposed to be blonde. It came out orange. Oops!) I am banned from posting the many hilarious photos I have from the weekend. I am banned from mentioning them by name and I am banned from sharing with you all the ridiculous stories and incidents that had us rolling around in stitches, eyes watering from laughing so hard. Honestly, what kind of friends are these if I can’t even get stories my blog when I feed them and give them a warm bed to sleep in? 😉

When I have guests staying, I am a bit of a control freak. I map out the entire menu for the whole weekend. I like to get ahead and make what I can in advance so I look really poised and can whip up dishes on a whim with seemingly little effort. I like to try to impress them by making my own sourdough and airily say I never buy bread anymore. You know. Think Martha Stewart. The hostess with the mostess. I can’t help it. It started in my early twenties when I started hosting dinner parties and it’s just snowballed from there. I am getting worse with age. So I was completely organised with a list of things I could make on request (I’ve moved on from set menus, I now give guests a menu to choose from). As things always go, I wasn’t completely happy with anything that I made for them. Except these Breakfast Enchiladas. The only impromptu thing I made. My friends loved them. At the end of the weekend, they declared it to be their favourite food from the whole weekend. And they insisted that I must share it on my blog. So here it is. The Breakfast Enchiladas. – Nagi x PS If you enjoy this, try the Italian version one day -> Italian Sausage Taquitos

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Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 25Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 79Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 64Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 12Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 59Breakfast Enchiladas  with Bacon and Eggs  - 22