What exactly is couscous??

Many people think couscous is a grain, but actually they are teeny tiny balls made of semolina flour so it’s actually more of a pasta. And the beauty of the teeny size of these balls is that they are so small, they don’t need to be cooked. You literally just pour over hot liquid, leave it covered for 10 minutes, then voila! “Cooked” and ready to serve!

What you need for couscous

Here’s what you need to make the couscous.

Couscous;Chicken or vegetable stock – tastier than using just water for soaking;Oil (or butter) helps the grains separate easier, as well as adding flavour; andLemon – for a little spritz of fresh to perk it up, especially great when serving with flavour loaded Middle Easter food.

Couscous Flavourings

For an extra little touch, add a sprinkle of fresh herbs (parsley and mint or coriander/cilantro is a classic combination) or fruit and nuts. But me, I just can’t help myself. I do it all – the fresh herbs, the dried fruit and the nuts! Serve with all things Middle Eastern, but especially stewy things like tagine. It’s made for soaking with flavourful broths! No video for this one. You don’t need it – it’s dead easy! 😉 – Nagi x

Life of Dozer

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