Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip

It will come as no surprise to you that this hot, creamy, cheesy, shredded chicken dip first came into my life during my time in the States. It will also come as no surprise to regular readers that it was love at first bite. While initially, the idea of chicken in a dip sounded kinda wrong, let me tell you that there is nothing wrong about how it tastes. Everything about it is 100% right. Hot. Creamy. Cheesy. Meaty. Did I say hot? Hot – as in bubbling hot, out of the oven. And hot – as in Buffalo Chicken Wings spicy hot. It’s obscenely addictive. I may even have to call it – it’s my favourite hot dip. Big call, yep I know!!

What you need for Heather’s Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip

You’ll find simple recipes “out there” calling for far fewer ingredients, or shortcuts like packet ranch dressing powder. This version is made using a homemade ranch dressing so it calls for more ingredients. But for that small investment of effort, you will be rewarded with the BEST this dip can be!!

Frank’s Hot Sauce – The traditional hot sauce for Buffalo Wings, widely available these days in Australia. Spicy and vinegary, we need one whole cup – which sounds like a lot, I know. But if we’re making a Buffalo Chicken Dip, let’s make it actually taste like the famous hot wing sauce!! Otherwise, it’s just another creamy dip. 🙂 Also … Did you ever notice that Frank’s Hot Sauce bizarrely never gets too spicy, no matter how much you use? 🤔Shredded chicken – Keep life easy by using a store-bought cooked chicken, with the added bonus of the seasoned meat making the dip even tastier. To cook your own chicken breast, use this Foolproof Poached Chicken recipe to ensure the chicken is ultra-juicy. Nobody wants dry, stringy chicken in their dip!

Cream cheese – The dip base. Philadelphia all the way for me, there is no substitute (and they aren’t paying me to say that!);Mayonnaise – Adds flavour and richness to the dip. For best results, use whole egg mayo (Hellmans and S&W are my preferred brands);Sour cream – This loosens the mixture to make it more scoop-able, creamy and lightens the mixture (as opposed to using more mayonnaise which makes it ultra rich);Buttermilk – An essential ingredient in ranch dressing, and similar to the sour cream it loosens the dip mixture. Simple sub: mix milk with a bit of lemon, leave for 5 minutes to let it curdle = homemade buttermilk! Full direction in recipe notes;Parsley and dill – Using fresh herbs found in ranch dressing is one of the things that makes this dip so good, rather than using a packet Ranch mix;Onion and garlic powder – Also classic Ranch Dressing flavourings;Vinegar and lemon juice – Just a touch of each, to up the tang ever so slightly. It is not the end of the world if you just double up on one or the other 🙂 ;Worcestershire sauce – Everybody’s favourite all-rounder savoury sauce that I can never spell without the aide of spell check;Cheese – Rarely does a dip leave my kitchen without some form of cheese in it! Colby and cheddar are ideal here, but you can opt for whatever meltable cheese you have; andGreen onion – For an oniony hit and garnish.

How to make Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip

This version has a few more steps than the quick and easy “dump ‘n mix” recipes. But the end result is better. Far better! Note: Once you start digging in, you will notice that the dip looks somewhat split. That’s just the way it is, and really it looks rather striking seeing the streaks of red oil swirled throughout the creamy dip – rivers of hot, creamy-cheesy, spicy lava!

What to serve with Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip

Corn chips, potato crisps, toasted bread, crostini, Jatz/Ritz, or even (gasp-shock-horror!) vegetable sticks. Celery is certainly on-theme, being a traditional accompaniment alongside Buffalo Wings. And as for leftovers? Slather generously onto hot rolls. Devour and weep. It’s quite possibly the best chicken sandwich ever. – Nagi x PS. In case you’re thinking boozy good times for your gathering, try one of these cocktails.

Watch how to make it

More hot bubbly dips

For fellow Dip Monsters.

Life of Dozer

Currently getting work done on the lower garden to create my dream of having a (mini!) orchard, herbs and veg patch. Dozer spends a LOT of time down there with the landscape gardener, Stevie from The Courtyard Sydney Landscape Design. Something to do with pats, scraps and lots of dirt to roll around in.

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