After cramming directions for how to boil eggs in the notes of more recipes than I can count, I figured it was high time to share a proper recipe. So here is how I boil eggs!

How to boil eggs

This method will produce consistent results to the level of doneness you desire no matter what pot you use and how weak or strong your stove is. And that’s all you need to know. But if you’re wondering about the why, read on!

My egg boiling rules & the why

Plus, at what point really do you consider the water to be boiling so at what point do you start the timer? And who wants to stand over a pot, waiting for that exact moment it comes to a boil so you can start the timer? Remove that variable! Always start your eggs in boiling water. – Extra-large eggs (60g/2.2 oz): add 30 seconds– Jumbo eggs (65g /2.5 oz): add an extra 1 minute– Emu eggs: separate recipe coming one day….. (maybe!😂)

What type of boiled eggs I use for what

Egg cracking problems?

To prevent eggs cracking: What I use them for – Caesar salad and on toast with avocado in some form (smashed/smeared, guacamole or avocado sauce). What I use them for – salads (Nicoise, chicken pasta salad, Gado Gado), studded throughout fish pie and for my favourite egg sandwiches. The other thing that can cause egg cracking is thin shells. The thickness of shells varies which can come down to the chicken breed and the quality of the chickens – and therefore the eggs. Do you use free range eggs?

Crater eggs

As for the burning question about why some eggs peel neatly and others end up cratered like the moon? Ahh, so much information out there! The only thing I know for sure is that older eggs peel more neatly than fresh eggs. This is simply because the membrane of freshly laid eggs is adhered more firmly to the shell so it’s harder to peel off. The older the egg, the more that membrane degrades = easier to peel. I find eggs purchased from the store that I’ve had for a week+ in the fridge almost always peel neatly.

And onwards!

And that, my friends, is all the pertinent information I have to impart on the matter of boiling eggs. Go forth and enjoy your new egg boiling life, with guaranteed perfectly boiled eggs every single time! And for egg boiling experts – share your tips. I love learning new things! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

Size context: large eggs and jumbo paws.

How to boil eggs - 38How to boil eggs - 84How to boil eggs - 22How to boil eggs - 78How to boil eggs - 74How to boil eggs - 75How to boil eggs - 53How to boil eggs - 52How to boil eggs - 96How to boil eggs - 95How to boil eggs - 70