Bonus: This classic homemade Italian Dressing recipe keeps for 2 weeks so make a big batch! Fabulous with leafy greens, steamed, chopped and roasted vegetables.

I am addicted to Italian Dressing.

I never thought Italian Dressing was anything special in my younger days. That was before I discovered an Italian Dressing recipe with parmesan in it (can’t remember where, think it was one of those recipe websites). Tried it once and I was converted. Parmesan is now essential for Italian Dressing in my world! Actually, as I prepared to write up this recipe, I had a quick Google around and it seems that there are now many, many recipes for Italian Dressing made using parmesan. 🙂 I thought I had some deep dark Italian secret, but it seems not! Parmesan cheese is one of those ingredients that adds umami (technical term for “savouriness”) to anything it’s added to – or on. It adds saltiness – but it’s way better than salt because it’s got more flavour.

⬆This is how it looks when it’s been sitting around for a while. Love the layers! Just give it a good shake and it’s as good as new. 🙂 I am pretty sure Italian Dressing is one of the most popular dressings at the supermarket. But it truly baffles me why anyone would buy it when it’s a) so simple to make b) customisable and c) you know exactly what’s in it when you make it at home. Plus, homemade Italian dressing keeps for 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge. So why oh why buy??? While you can make this with fresh garlic, I have always made it with garlic powder. Firstly, that’s just the way I’ve always known to make Italian Dressing. Secondly, the sheer convenience. Because by making it with garlic powder rather than fresh garlic, this Italian Dressing can be kept for a few weeks. Whereas if you make this with fresh garlic, it only lasts a few days (fresh raw garlic – once chopped/minced- goes off after a few days and can cause a nasty form of food poisoning called botulism). Whether you use this for steamed vegetables, leafy greens, shredded, chopped or roasted vegetables, it just makes everything better. So make a BIG BATCH of this and have it on standby at all times! – Nagi x

Don’t miss all the other Ready To Use Dressings I shared! These all last for 2+ weeks, most for 3 weeks. Find them all here.

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