This butternut squash / pumpkin soup is made without chopping a single thing. And it’s also made without using the stove or a pot. It’s creamy and the sweetness and flavour of pumpkin is more intense than classic pumpkin soup. And it takes all of FIVE MINUTES of hands on effort. 🙂 As soon as you see the preparation photos, you are going to “get” how I make this, so let me cut to the chase and show you! I mean, they say a picture says a thousand words. So how about a collage of pictures? How many words do they say? A whole recipe? 😉

Just in case I didn’t choose the right photos, here’s a run down of the recipe:

Purchase pumpkins that are already cut in half (very common here in Australia!); Place on tray with onion and garlic; Drizzle with oil, salt and pepper. Wrap garlic. Roast for 70 minutes. Scoop out  flesh, plonk in blender, whizz with milk. Pour into bowls.

Are you amazed? Cynical? A bit of both? I don’t blame you, so let me try to convince you! 🙂 I’ve been making pumpkin soup this way for years and years. It takes longer than my Easy Classic Pumpkin Soup which is made the traditional way on the stove, but this No Chop Roast Pumpkin Soup takes far less effort. And the taste? Incredible. Roasting does great things to pumpkin. It intensifies the flavour and really brings out the sweetness. In fact, there is so much flavour that I don’t even use chicken or vegetable stock / broth in this soup.

Sooo… may have noticed a certain snazzy new gadget in the above photos. Yup. A VITAMIX Blender!!! Shriek! It has been on my “wish list” for so long, I literally almost fell off my chair when Vitamix asked me if I’d be interested in working with them! (As you can guess, it took all of 0.00001 seconds to screech “YES!” multiple times!). So suffice to say there has been a lot of blending and whizzing and pureeing going on in my pokey little kitchen. I’m just SO EXCITED to show you some of the cool things I’ve discovered this high performance blender can do in the coming months!!!

AMAZING FACT #1 that I need to share right now

It can make HOT SOUP!!!! Seriously! The centrifugal force of the blades is so extreme that it actually generates heat. It’s insane!!! (But PS don’t worry, this No Chop Roasted Pumpkin Soup comes out hot from any blender 🙂 )

Oooh! And a video! This recipe is so cool to show in a video. And in this one, you will hear my Aussie twang because I finally got set up with a microphone! PS Note the DOZER VOCAL CAMEO at the end…..cheeky bugger!!!! PPS Seriously extreme Baby Hands action going on in this video….no judging!!!!

If you’re over at my place, pumpkin soup is always served with buttery garlic bread on the side to dunk into the thick soup. Honestly, if I had my way, I would just not use a spoon and have a pile of garlic bread instead. 🙂 So what do you think? Have I convinced you to give this a go? For busy nights in the cooler months, I really think this is a lifesaver to have in your back pocket! – Nagi x QUIZ: How many times did I say “punpkin” instead of “pumpkin” in the video?? 😉

Soup Dippers

Quick Cheesy Garlic Bread • Better-Than-Dominos Garlic Bread • Soft No Knead Dinner Rolls

Save this No Chop Roast Pumpkin Soup to your EASY SOUPS Board!

And follow me on Pinterest to see all the delicious recipes I’m pinning!   Life of Dozer – Keeping warm in winter….I mean, I’d hate for him to catch a cold…. 😉

If you enjoyed this recipe, then I think you’ll LOVE….

Classic Easy Pumpkin Soup

Broccoli Cheese Soup (Ultimate transformation of Broccoli??)

Or browse ALL my soup recipes!

This post is brought to you in partnership with Vitamix Australia. I am so honoured to have been selected to partner with such a high quality brand! I was compensated for this recipe, however, if I had not been blown away by my Vitamix Blender, I would have politely declined the offer. Here’s proof how much I love my Vitamix: it has been elevated to the very exclusive status of a permanent position on my kitchen bench. Extremely valuable real estate, reserved for only the very best and most commonly used appliances! – Nagi x SaveSave SaveSave

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