Add this to your arsenal of broccoli recipes – this one is a keeper!

Super QUICK broccoli pasta!

If you dream of 12 minute dinner magic, you’re going to love this broccoli recipe as much as I do. It’s for all those days when:

you’re staring at broccoli with not much else in the pantry, wondering how on earth you’re going to transform that into a totally delicious meal;it’s a mad house and you just need to get dinner on the table, stat!you want to hide a LOT of broccoli in something that everyone will love. There’s 2 whole heads in this – but it definitely doesn’t seem like it!you’re after a quick side dish to serve with that charcoal chook you picked up enroute home, the sticky chicken thighs or crispy pan fried fish you’re making, those marinated pork chops or the garlic butter mushrooms you’re roasting in the oven.

It’s also what you make when you’re a food blogger who can’t resist a bargain and “accidentally” brought home SIX heads of broccoli…..😂

What goes in broccoli pasta

Here’s what all you need to make this:

Broccoli – TWO BIG HEADS!Some kind of pasta – preferably short, but even long will workSome kind of cheese – either parmesan or something that can melt into the sauce (both is the best case scenario)Some kind of fat – preferably extra virgin olive oil, otherwise normal olive oil or butter

So even if you have just the above 4 ingredients, your broccoli pasta is still going to be very tasty – everything else I use is a flavour bonus! I love using lemon in this recipe – but it’s optional. It’s not a strong tangy lemon flavour, it’s in the background and helps create more sauce to toss through the pasta without adding tons of oil.

12 minute broccoli recipe!

This is not a Jamie Oliver 15 Minute Meals type recipe where you use every appliance, pot and pan in your kitchen and it’s a whirlwind of frantic chaos for 15 30 minutes then you spend a good 40 minutes cleaning up afterwards. No no no! This is a totally effortless 12 minute recipe with a great flow to it. Here’s how it goes down: I always struggle to capture how juicy pastas like this are – when the sauce is clear rather than bright red and meaty like Bolognese. If you’re not convinced with the photos, watch the quick recipe video below! I haven’t loaded this Broccoli Pasta with tons of cheese. I use it more to create the sauce, rather than making this a really cheesy pasta. Also an attempt to keep the calorie count to a respectable level for a big bowl. However, this Cheese-Loving Carb Monster will certainly not judge if you choose to be (way) more generous with the cheese. Go on, do it, do it, do it! she whispers cheekily in your ear 😂 ~ Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Originally published April 2019. Post refreshed in October 2021 along with new video edits. No change to recipe – I wouldn’t dare touch it!

More broccoli recipes

I’m a big fan of broccoli so I’ve shared quite a few recipes. Love the flavour, how versatile it is and it’s good for you!

Chicken broccoli rice casserole – tastes like a cheesy risotto, but so much easier to make!Broccoli gratin – creamy yet no cream with a golden crunchy topBroccoli Fritters – plus Chicken Broccoli FrittersEasy Broccoli Cheese Soup or Healthy Creamy Broccoli SoupBrowse all Broccoli recipes

Life of Dozer

Dozer on the RIGHT side of the counter at Pet-O! I swear that place is Disney Land for dogs. He gets lavished with attention by everyone who works there, sooo many treats, then he runs around like a loon in the warehouse, grabbing toys and treats off the shelves, leaving me with no option other than to buy them. I grumble and complain every time I spend way more than intended, and yet the thought of leaving him at home to go to the pet store without him never crosses my mind (and the one time I had to, the staff were very concerned about his well being!).

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